Preface: I got an unsolicited email from a gal on an on-line dating site from Dallas, TX. I was hesitant emailing her back as she was a very classy looking lady with a prestigious background I read in her profile. We began a month long conversation back and forth ... but felt a long distance relationship might not work out for us ... but still the thought of it was quite intriguing to me. I wrote her these fun imaginary thoughts.
Imagine that our story of knowing each other were a bible story titled "The Book of Distance” ... right alongside of such great books as “Sampson and Delilah” and “The Song of Songs” …

and you and I were young students studying the “Book of Distance” for the first time in bible class.
“What are the lessons my students that you can learn from this beautiful story?” the Rebbe asked his class. Both of us of course always tried to be very smart and intellectualize along with the other students in our class and come up with answers we thought the Rebbe wanted to hear.
“Things about patience” one student shouted out … another said “It teaches us what Love is all about”. A few moments went by … then I shouted out, “It teaches us why it is important to Dream the Impossible Dream”.
The Rebbe grinned as he heard our wonderful responses from his young students. Finally you shouted out, “It teaches us to never stop believing in ourselves.”
So many lessons to learn from The Book of Distance … but we will have to turn the page and begin reading the next chapter to find out more. Will you turn the page with me and read on … as for me, I cannot stop reading.
by Ron Kaufman - Age 59
May 2006 Tucson, AZ
