The Magic of Soul Whispering
Purpose of Soul Whispering
To immerse your unified Human Spirit into a new life dimension that connects your HeartCenter and GodSoul in harmony and compassion ... while transitioning into a powerful life paradigm of learning to believe and trust in yourself.
What a Soul Whisperer Offers
A Soul Whisperer acts as a mentor and teacher to your own HeartCenter and GodSoul ... a teacher who will guide you where you might look, but will never tell you what to see.
A Soul Whisperer can act as a mirror to reflect back your true authentic-self at your very core being ... underneath all the emotional "stuff" and the right and wrong, good or bad stuff ... stuff that has been wrapped around you since you were a little kid. The authentic-self underneath it all waiting to be set free.
A Soul Whisperer will guide you in explorations of your own unique Dimension of Self-Awareness with tools that reveal the essence of the-who you are at your core Human Spirit ... and importantly the-who you may no longer want to be.
And as a caring and supportive teacher, a Soul Whisperer will share with you previously hidden doors to open and to explore while in search of unknown understandings and wisdom missing from your own Dimension of Life. "You don't know what you don't know."
And like a caring and supportive teacher, a Soul Whisperer will not tell you what to see as you choose to open these doors and step through ... because the breakthrough to magical life revelations along with the inner wisdom you awaken ... are yours and yours alone to own as you acknowledge them.
Touch Stones of Soul Whispering
Soul Whispering begins with a journey of exploring your own unique Dimension of Self-Awareness, both known and unknown.
Exploring your own self-awareness can be accomplished together with a Soul Whisperer using self-awareness tools that include "Four Life Awakenings".
Tools that when practiced, reveal personal life "aha moments" that up to now have been concealed from the-who you are today.
And these "aha-moments" when processed, transform into new and welcomed personal life truths to embrace every day.
Truths that naturally nourish and strengthen your very own and unique HeartCenter and GodSoul.
And as these truths are embraced, you will come upon an amazing doorway to yet another dimension of life.
And you will embrace what you perceive is on the other side of this doorway ... and step through with intention.
With the intention of belonging to and living life in this very special Life Dimension.
A Life Dimension that provides refocused lenses and compassionate eyes to understand the importance of gratitude in daily life.
Caring eyes that see an amazing life that surrounds you with joy.
A life with a loving and peaceful freshness about it sourced from a SilentKnowing.
And most importantly, this transformation is all based on your own unique and loving desires.
Desires that originated and radiated out from the very core of your own HeartCenter.