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- Moments of Awareness Collection (MoA) |
Collection now loaded: 22 posts found Click a Collection below to load RECENTS Appreciate Death Faith God Kindness Love Practice Spirit Trust MY-FAVS Awaken Ego Fear Harmony Life Pain Purpose Surrender Truth ALL Change Evolve Friend Heal Listen Peace Soul The 70s Wisdom MoA Forum Top Moments of Awareness (MoA) Collection a place where there is no right or wrong ... only "SilentKnowing" a place where there is no right or wrong ... only "SilentKnowing" Life's Mystery by: Ronnie K Life’s "mystery" always remained just that ... … a mystery to me … until I no longer was standing in front of the curtain … and moved to the other side. Oct 15, 2024 written: MoA# 320.2 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved And I Ask Myself by: Ronnie K And I ask myself ... Where am I going? What am I doing? Why am I alive? Is there purpose or meaning? Tell me ... Please. And then the day ends ... ... and soon after, another day begins. And then, I ask myself ... once more. Sep 19, 2024 written: MoA# 3197.1 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Something Like a Butterfly ... by: Ronnie K I was recently asked ... "How would you describe your personal transition ... ... to the new dimension of life you are now living?" I thought for a moment and replied ... "It was something like that of a butterfly ... ... transforming from a body with a Soul ... and becoming a Soul with a body." And now you know too. May 13, 2023 written: MoA# 3175.2 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved The Practice of Gratitude by: Ronnie K For me, the path to Peace, Joy, and Love in my daily life ... ... is when I'm feeling Gratitude in my Heart Center. And as I genuinely share this practice of Gratitude ... ... with all those that come into my life each day ... I am nourished with purpose. And then to have others in my life ... ... who are also fulfilled by sharing their Gratitude ... adds to my SilentKnowing ... that all is well ... with purpose. Oct 23, 2022 written: MoA# 3158.1 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Giving Up Fear by: Ronnie K I am giving up the power that fear has over me ... ... on the important choices I make in life. I am replacing this fear ... ... with the understanding of trust ... the wisdom of acceptance ... and the feeling of peace. Always in gratitude. Always in love. Aug 22, 2022 written: MoA# 3153.1 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved The Practice of Courage by: Ronnie Kaufman May I find the courage to be all I can be ... ... starting in this very moment ... right here and right now. And not only with courageous intentions ... ... but more importantly ... with courageous actions to match. And it may not be easy ... ... the Practice of Courage. Feb 26, 2022 written: MoA# 3140.4 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Searching for Me ... by: Ronnie Kaufman Most of my life I’ve been searching for Me. Who I was … what I was … why I was. So many times I thought I found Me. But I never did. At times I felt hopeless … like an endless wanderer of life. And so I finally stopped searching. The years passed by … and so did my life. Then for no reason at all … I heard a knocking at my door. I open the door and there he was, the person I least expected. But immediately knew who he was. I smiled and welcomed him in … along with a comforting SilentKnowing. You see ... that person was Me. Nov 1, 2021 written: MoA# 3119 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved The Ultimate Journey: Oneness by: Ronnie Kaufman Today, I realized ... ... with all that I know ... ... and all that I've learned ... ... and all that I have experienced ... ... I know nothing about what's truly important ... ... important in living life in Harmony with my surroundings. For this is the dimension my life's journey has now brought me to ... ... a dimension somewhere over the rainbow. And now that I've arrived ... ... I choose to begin "The Ultimate Journey" ... ... the Journey of LovingKindness with ... and for All ... ... the Journey of living life in Oneness, Harmony and Peace. Apr 4, 2021 written: MoA# 3060.5 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved A Nourishing Practice by: Ronnie Kaufman Dear Friend ... I was just wondering how many of us can say ... "MyGod is with me ... ... when I awake ... during the day ... and when I sleep." And for some, there is a nourishing practice ... ... a practice of sharing with TheirGod ... an appreciation for their unique connection ... as this connection soothes the HeartCenter with SilentKnowing. And for some, when connecting with TheirGod ... ... it tunes their energy frequencies of ... Peace ... and Joy ... and Love. And most importantly and integral ... ... at being in tune with the energy frequency of ... Oneness. Mar 5, 2021 written: MoA# 3051.6 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved A Vagabond First Class by: Ronnie Kaufman How could I share love with someone ... ... if I didn't love myself? And how could I love myself ... ... if I didn't know who I was. Well, the time finally arrived when ... ... I stopped searching for "the-who" that I might be ... ... and accepted "the-who" that I was in that very moment ... ... and began to love myself with a SilentKnowing. Mar 5, 2021 written: MoA# 3050.2 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Beyond My Abilities by: Ronnie Kaufman I used to think I would liked to have experienced ... ... more adventures during my life journey. But now looking back on it all ... ... am well aware I had gone well beyond my actual inherent abilities ... which over the years, provided me an on again/off again euphoric rush. And now I accept the true reality of my life ... ... that I am but a simple human-being ... who has grown to appreciate God's simple offerings. "As it has been concealed ... so it has now been revealed." - Zohar And now I smile with gratitude from my HeartCenter and say, "Baruch Hashem". Oct 26, 2020 written: MoA# 2957.1 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved The Ultimate Process: Surrender by: Ronnie Kaufman It takes courage to Surrender. But perhaps the courage comes from discovering the answers to ... - Surrender What? - Who surrenders? ... EGOCenter? - What is it that EGOCenter would surrender? ... Its controlling ways? - Who does EGOCenter surrender to? ... To the Godsoul? - What must EGOCenter do? ... Alter old patterns and habits? - Why Surrender? So the Godsoul can guide both EGOCenter ... ... and HeartCenter to dance in harmony? Purpose? To broaden connectivity with GlobalConciousness ... ... and to embrace and nourish peace in the world you live. Aug 7, 2020 written: MoA# 1780.6 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Any Kind of Sign by: Ronnie Kaufman Have you ever prayed for a "Sign" ... "Give me a Sign Lord ... any kind of Sign." But the Sign never comes. Is it possible that just maybe a Sign did come ... ... and perhaps you just did not recognize it ... .. because it was a Sign to something else entirely different. Jul 5, 2020 written: MoA# 1720.1 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved The Comforting Oneness by: Ronnie Kaufman I know if every day I can "Do My Best", (and my best may change from day to day)... ... and by not allowing the craziness of the world to tarnish my HeartCenter ... ... then I have the opportunity to feel the comforting Oneness with the "SourceGod" of us all. Apr 6, 2020 written: MoA# 1580.2 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Becoming One with God by: Ronnie Kaufman LEARN life's lessons and explore God's ways. LIVE the lessons and discover meaning in God's ways. BECOME the lessons and awaken to God's ways. ... Becoming One with God Jan 2, 2020 written: MoA# 1490 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved On That Day of Passing by: Ronnie Kaufman If I should be judged on my day of "passing" ... What would I like it to be based on? Perhaps on what I did and accomplished in my life? ... or perhaps on the wisdom I gained during my many life journeys? ... or maybe even the person ... "the-who" I became? ... or something entirely different? Which one would I choose? Which one? I choose all of the above please ... ... on that day of passing. Apr 26, 2019 written: MoA# 1303.1 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Memories ... Dreams of the Past by: Ronnie Kaufman I think Barbra Streisand said it best ... "Memories ... like the corners of our mind." From what I know we all experience wonderful dreams ... ... dreams of the beautiful times from our past ... ... some real and some imaginary ... I know I certainly do. Dreams as only we can remember them ... ... times gone by that we wish would last and last. Yet sooner or later we all must open our eyes ... and face the reality ... ... "That was then ... and this is now." And always remember to be grateful for all those memories ... ... memories that still come to us when we call to them ... ... of what we once experienced ... of what was once ours. And smile from the inside out ... and say out loud ... ... "Thank You Universe ... Thank You". And get ready for tomorrow ... ... or soon it will be today. Apr 24, 2014 written: MoA# 1177.2 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved invisible by: Ronnie Kaufman ... sometimes i feel invisible ... no one sees me ... ... no one hears me ... ... yet here i am when someone needs me ... ... "how can i help" i ask them ... and then I do ... ... only to return to being invisible once more ... Dec 8, 2011 written: MoA# 1100.1 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved A Friend by: Ronnie Kaufman One of the most precious things in life ... is a friend. And just as each of the petals of this rose ... ... together make it the beautiful flower that it has become … So too, do the wonderful qualities and virtues of who you are ... ... together make you a beautiful friend. Apr 22, 2009 written: MoA# 1080 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Love's Friend by: Ron Kaufman Love … have you no beginning? Love … have you no end? So many have known you ... yet there are so many hearts left to mend. Some have known you many times ... while others but once. To some, you are hard to find ... while to others you are in abundance. I always wanted Love as my friend ... I thought of it that way. To have Love as my friend ... and be happy every day. It’s taken me such a long time to realize why this had not come true. Because I found Love needed me as a friend ... I found Love needs friends too. May 1, 1974 written: MoA# 1035.0 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved A Wise Woman by: Ron Kaufman It's not the beauty of her face my friend ... Nor the beauty of her eyes. But the beauty of her soul my friend ... That makes a woman wise. Jan 15, 1974 written: MoA# 1020.3 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved Filtering Rays of Memories by: Ron Kaufman Memories … what are they made of? ... ... Dreams of the past ... those thoughts in my mind ... that just seem to last and last. Precious moments I will never have again ... ... those precious moments ... when you and I were friends. The times we were together ... ... it's all now but a dream ... as I wake up each morning to an empty room ... filled with memories of you ... ... and filtering rays of Sunbeams. Jul 1, 1973 written: MoA# 1010.1 from: Moments of Awareness Collection ©2024 Journey Between All rights reserved
- Journey Between Your Heart and Soul 2.0 |
Intro Page Menu About Discussion Classes Details about the Classes Roadmap of Discussions Class Guidelines Journey News Message Center Journey Forums JourneyBetween Discussion Classes 2.0 Introduction to the Purpose: Learning to Trust the Wisdom of Your Soul. Preface to JourneyBetween : my 2-cents worth Understanding the "Journey Between Your Heart and Soul" will awaken a profound opportunity for spiritual transformation. I'm Ronnie Kaufman, and I'll be your Journey Guide as we explore and experience the possibilities of what it means to connect your own Heart and Soul ... with conversations in the Mystery. About the JourneyBetween Discussion Classes The JourneyBetween Classes are based on the original "Your Personal Journey Between Your Heart and Soul." Each journey class discussion will act as an incubator revealing personal discoveries of authentic Self-Awareness and unbiased Truths. Such discoveries will prepare you to enter a new life dimension as you begin the " Journey Between Your Heart and Soul". And most im portantly, this is your personal journey and not anyone else's. DETAILS about the JourneyBetween Class es. The JourneyBetween Discussion Roadmap Journey-1 : The Power of Vulnerability with Dr. Brene Brown Purpose - balance your consciousness with the emotional side of life. Journey-2 : Morning and Evening of Life (Film: The Shift ) with Dr. Wayne Dyer Purpose - engage with your spiritual essence. Journey-3 : The Four Agreements with Dr. don Miguel Ruiz Purpose - gain awareness of the key guidelines to living life with integrity. Journey-4 : Metaphysical Possibilities: Defining the Heart-Soul Connection Purpose - identify the facets of the psyche and how they work together. Journey-5 : Understanding Self-Awareness Purpose - clear the Journey Trail ... by you simply being who you choose to be. Class Guidelines Guidelines for attending classes In-person Guidelines for attending classes on Zoom Guidelines for taking classes Solo Recent JourneyBetween News 01/08/25 In-person OLLI at SOU JourneyBetween: 1.Power of Vulnerability View 02/12/25 Zoom OLLI at SOU JourneyBetween: 1. Power of Vulnerability. View Upcoming Journey Classes and Podcasts Latest Moments of Awareness Posts 11/23/24 - "And for You My Friend?" View Latest Class Survey Results 11/19/24 Survey from FALL 2024 In-Person class View 12/05/24 Survey from FALL 2024 Zoom class - View JourneyBetween Message Center Message Topic(s) General Question or Comment Schedute a Conversation with Ronnie K Upcoming JourneyBetween Classes Other Ronnie K’s Contact Info: Main: 541.625.9864 Voice Mail: 541.708.3920 Send Message Hours available for live conversations: Tue, Wed, Thu 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM PT Other times are possible. Message me. Conversations are held in the strictest level of confidentiality. ( see Code of Ethics .) Thanks, I will reply shortly.
- Journey Between Your Heart and Soul 2.0 |
More About Menu More About the Classes Journey Summary Journey Sharing Journey Intro Page Journey Forums JourneyBetween Classes Details About the Details About the JourneyBetween Discussion Classes The Journey classes provide facilitated discussions on a collection of short video clips, 1 to 2 minutes long, by 3 world-renowned personal exploration authors. Also, it includes Ronnie K's metaphysical concepts in appreciating the "Journey Between Your Heart and Soul" . After viewing each video clip, an open class discussion with the participants will ensue with them sharing possible meanings of each clip ... and importantly, with no right or wrong answers. View a Sample JourneyBetween Video Clip Watch this 2-minute sample video clip, " Clip #6 EGO: Separation " with Dr. Wayne Dyer. Taking the Journey Between Classes Alone? If you can't attend an in-person or Zoom class, experiencing one or more of the Journey classes on your own may work well for you. ( see Solo Guidelines ) Summary of the JourneyBetween Classes Be ready to open your heart and experience listening to the wisdom of your soul, a listening that can fill you with a new acceptance of peace, joy, and love. This practice brings new meaning to your life that only you can define. Together we will explore new horizons as you discover your ability to understand your own personal world ... and learn to appreciate the new life dimensions that have been revealed to you. In the first 3 classes, we will watch short insightful video clips from world-renowned experts in Personal Exploration. After each clip, participants will explore and together discuss what these clips meant to them, with no right or wrong answers. In Class 4, we will explore Ronnie K's metaphysical beliefs. These beliefs define the heart-soul connection as he sees life and how, from his perspective, such concepts directly apply to the "Journey Between Your Heart and Soul". In Class 5, we will examine your own self-awareness of "the-who" you authentically are at your core being by exploring a set of revealing questions ... and begin to understand why knowing "thyself" is key to mastering your heart-soul connection . JourneyBetween Community Sharing SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS with the Journey Community. Each video clip is around 1 to 2 minutes long. After each clip, we will discuss in class what the clip meant to you ... with no right or wrong answers. If you are taking the class Solo, see guidelines for "Taking Classes Solo". We are just beginning, and I ENCOURAGE each Journey participant to SHARE their inner thoughts with the Journey Community by posting them in the appropriate FORUM. Be courageous and create a new Post. To begin a forum post, click the Forum Button at the bottom of this Page Menu. And please also take the opportunity to both read and/or comment on exiting forum posts by other Community members as well.
- Life Awakening | Journey Between
My Awakening Stages - Once Upon a Time - Finding Meaning in My Life - A Time for Change - I Did a Lot of Soul Searching - Stepping into the Twilight Zone - My Cup Overfloweth - Answer to the PREFIX Question Click on a stage to view Ronnie's Life Awakening Journey Ronnie Kaufman 2017 PREFIX : The Crack That Let the Light In. Toward the end of 2018, I was asked by a close Ashland friend ... "What would this coming year mean to you and the world you live in?" But before I could answer, I had first to digress back to the Summer of 2015 when I was still living in Tucson, AZ and t he unthinkable happened. I had a devastating emotional event take place in my life ... and I had a complete breakdown and was diagnosed with PTSD. I was devastated. It was caused by a huge crack in my perceived understanding of what gave my life meaning ... and had split my HeartCenter wide open. It took me a few years to recover from this challenging journey with PTSD ... to a point where I was no longer caught in its grips of surviving and was free to begin to thrive in my life as a free spirit. Once Once Upon a Time During most of my life, I had lived with much success and recognition as well as my share of difficult failures while on my many life journeys and adventures. Such adventures as a TV film editor in Chicago for a few years (age 21) ... founded a North American consulting firm (age 35) with offices in Minneapolis and Phoenix, AZ and ran it for 16 years … wrote a magazine column for several years … and can’t forget my early years when I worked day labor that often left me stiff and sore … and much, much more. Also, during many of my 22 years living in Tucson (1994-2017), I regularly volunteered my services to the Tucson community at large, playing active roles at different levels. It all sounds pretty good … Right? A Deep Void Called Out to Me But for unknown reasons, I always felt something was missing in my life … I seemed to have always wrestled with the question “What is my purpose?” You see … I felt a deep void both in my heart and in my soul calling out to me. At last, I realized there was no end to the often lonely pursuit of finding the meaning in my life … meaning that I had been searching for as long as I can remember … and now I have finally stopped searching. But what I found instead was something so much more incredible. You see, each morning when I wake, I feel grateful that my soul has been restored to my body … and for the opportunity I will have that day to share Love and Joy with family, friends … (that’s Love with a capital L and Joy with a capital J) … and just as important, to share Love and Joy with the strangers I meet along the way. And please know, most days I am successful. And please know, most days I now have meaning in my life. Finding Meaning in My Life Finding A Time for Change The following year I felt a repeated calling from deep in my soul to leave Tucson … that there was something calling me home, as the song lyrics say, “to a place I’d never been before”. And after discussing these strong feelings with my then 80-year-old dear friend of 20 years, Rabbi Arthur Oleisky of blessed memory … and with my then 19-year-old son Jacob … I knew what I had to do. Sold Most Things I Owned And so, in June 2017, at age 70, my home was sold and I also sold most of the things that I owned … or gave them away … then packed up my Honda Civic with what I planned on keeping until it was overflowing … and knew there was still more I had to let go of. Let the Next Life Journey Begin Soon, I started up the California coast on what would be an incredible adventure … stopping first in Encinitas, then onto Santa Monica, Ojai, Morro Bay, San Francisco … each stop with a set of stories… sometimes sleeping on the beaches or at friends’ homes or sometimes even in my car … and not knowing where my final destination would take me. I next found myself continuing up the coast and ended up near Mt. Shasta in Northern, CA camping out for a week. Change I Did a Lot of Soul Searching As I was now surrounded by the wisdom of a very mystical forest and as such, did a lot of soul-searching and talking with my God. And at times, I heard God’s thoughts back to me as the wind rustled through the tree limbs. Each day I patiently listened closely for words I needed to hear. Then, unexpectedly the epiphany I had been waiting for spoke to me … “Trust the wisdom of your soul …Trust the wisdom in your spirit.” The next morning, I broke camp and headed north to a place I had never been before …and to a place where I knew no-one … Ashland, OR Soul Twilight Stepping into the Twilight Zone I so remember the joyful emotions I felt that first day driving in downtown Ashland … down Main Street. There was a huge banner hanging across the street from light pole to light pole that I drove under. It read “We Choose Love”. Main Street, downtown Ashland, OR I drove another mile or so and discovered an intellectual oasis ... Southern Oregon University. Without a doubt in my mind, I knew I was home. I would tell my friends back in Tucson, “In a good way, coming to Ashland was like stepping into the Twilight Zone.” Fast Forward I had been in the Rogue Valley Community Hospital for a few days for observation (all is well) ... and with much time to ponder ... the following thoughts danced in front of me. Was Something Still Missing? “During all my many life journeys … and I have lived many … I always felt something was missing ... that my cup was either half-full or half-empty ... but always felt something lacked. And as I lay in bed in peaceful reverie, I was suddenly awakened by all the "unappreciated-appreciations" that belonged to each of those life journeys I traveled and felt a sense of awe. Awakening An Awakening ... My Cup Overfloweth Being introduced to Appreciations about my life I never knew before, was so revealing. It was kind of like being visited by the ‘Ghost of Christmas Past’… but in a loving way. And now for the first time, was also awakened to yet another Personal Awareness ... that my cup was never half-full or half-empty … but that my cup has been overflowing all my life. A Trusted Teacher I heard a trusted teacher say several years ago … “If you want to change your future, learn to change your past.” I now have begun to experience this seemingly impossible task. You see, I realized that … “How I saw my past would be how I lived my future ... How I saw my past would be how I lived my future.” Answer to the PREFIX Question Now let me answer the original PREFIX question that started this writing. "What would this coming year mean to me and the world I live in? ” In this coming New Year, I will be mindful of all the people and all the things in my life I can appreciate today and everyday … including this very moment ... and not wait for a distant tomorrow that may never come. And in the coming New Year, I will be grateful for the fact that my cup overflows right now with meaning in my life … as I share Joy and Love every day with family and friends … and strangers too. Ashland, Oregon And lastly, in the coming New Year … I will remain appreciative that Ashland, Oregon continues to provide me the safe-space to evolve my inner being ... and the many caring individuals I’ve met in my community and now call friends. And as your journey continues, may it be overflowing with Appreciation. Thank you, Ronnie Kaufman Life Awakening AutoBiography Life Influencers Professional Background Answer
- Who is Ronnie Kaufman |
Personal J ourney Menu Preface: About the Journey Part 1: Eclectic Journey Part 2: Life-Altering Event Epilogue: Final Thought s — Other Pages — Life Awakenings Life Influencers My Autobiograhy Ronnie K Forum Ronnie K's Personal Journey Preface: About the Journey Through the tapestry of my eclectic life experiences, I have encountered many crossroads ... moments that have profoundly challenged and shaped me. Each experience offered unique lessons, fostering emotional insights and spiritual understandings that became cornerstones of my personal growth. These lessons inspired the creation of, a space where I share these learnings with others through the JourneyBetween Classes. The insights gained from navigating my own path have deepened my appreciation for the complexities of life's journey and have strengthened my resolve to help others uncover their own truths. It is my hope that the stories and teachings shared here resonate with you, sparking reflection and perhaps even offering clarity in your own life's journey. May these insights enrich your understanding and empower you to navigate your unique path with purpose and confidence. Part 1: Morning and Afternoon of My Life ... an Eclectic Journey 1968-1969: Film editor for 2 years at the WGN TV Studios in Chicago. 1980-1983: Chief technical architect of one of the world's first computerized online global distribution systems. Soon after, I lectured throughout the US and beyond sharing this new and innovative technical design with others. 1983-1999: Founded a North American computer consulting firm and oversaw all aspects of operations for 16 years. Our clients ranged from Fortune 1000 companies to local and state governments around the U.S. The firm grew from just myself to a staff of 35 software engineers with offices in Minneapolis and Phoenix, AZ. When I sold the firm, revenues approached $4 million in 1999 dollars. 2002-2012: Started a B2C internet company that provided consumers reports about their year, make, and model cars. For the 11 years I ran the company, as it grew to over 600,000 registered members before I sold it. 2006-2014: Board Chair of Divorce Recovery, Inc. During the 9 years I was involved with the organization, I facilitated over 30 10-week support groups meeting once a week, directly serving well over 300+ individuals. 2012-2014: President of the International Coach Federation chapter of Southern Arizona with a membership of 40+ executive and life coaches. 1999-2014: On the board of directors of several prominent non-profit organizations in Southern Arizona including an 850-family congregation and a 100 million-dollar Southern Arizona community foundation. 2023-2025: Presenting Personal Exploration classes at OLLI in junction with Southern Oregon University. My personal belief system is metaphysical in nature. And much more … Part 2: Evening of My Life ... A Life-Altering Event But in the summer of 2015, I experienced a total emotional breakdown and too often found myself curled up in a ball, lost in deep sobbing and unbearable emotional pain. I soon checked myself into the hospital to get medicated to stop the pain ...and was diagnosed with PTSD. I stayed there for 8 days. After leaving the hospital, I committed to myself that not only would I survive this most challenging life-threatening event … and importantly with no more meds ... but that I would learn how to thrive after all was said and done. In 2017 at the tender age of 70 … I sold or gave away everything I owned, packed up my car, left Tucson, and started up the California coast as a homeless soul while not having a final destination to help set my course. A week or so after I started this crazy adventure, I found myself camping at the Lake Shasta National Campgrounds in northern California for several days. During my morning meditation on day 4, the epiphany I had been waiting for, silently spoke to me ... the epiphany to tell me what to do next ... "Listen to the Wisdom of your soul" . And then a second time, "Listen to the Wisdom of your Soul." Words at first, I did not understand ... and then, mystically, I began to practice this listening every day ... and I have ever since embraced both listening and trusting the Wisdom of my Soul as part of who I am. Shasta Lake, CA Epilogue: Final Thoughts And this most challenging life event that I had ever experienced ... was the beginning of my understanding "The Journey Between My Heart and Soul." Now looking back on my journey to Ashland, it was like stepping into the Twilight Zone, only in a good way. I thought places like this town only existed in the movies ... and I am so grateful to find out, they exist in real life too. Baruch Hashem (Thank you God) Ashland, Oregon P.S. People ask me, "So what caused your PTSD?" I did not know how to answer exactly until recently. And I now offer a simple, understandable answer. "My 'barrel-of-life-disappointments' overflowed and broke. And what was in that barrel ... was my precious heart." And now you know.
- Terms and Conditions |
Home Terms & Conditions - Legal Stuff Effective Date: June 1st, 2024 Site Covered: THE AGREEMENT: The use of this website and services on this website provided by Ronnie Kaufman (hereinafter referred to as "Company") are subject to the following Terms & Conditions (hereinafter the "Agreement"), all parts and sub-parts of which are specifically incorporated by reference here. This Agreement shall govern the use of all pages on this website (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Website") and any services provided by or on this Website ("Services"). 1) DEFINITIONS The parties referred to in this Agreement shall be defined as follows: a) Company, Us, We: The Company, as the creator, operator, and publisher of the Website, makes the Website, and certain Services on it, available to users. Ronnie Kaufman, Company, Us, We, Our, Ours and other first-person pronouns will refer to the Company, as well as all employees and affiliates of the Company. b) You, the User, the Client: You, as the user of the Website, will be referred to throughout this Agreement with second-person pronouns such as You, Your, Yours, or as User or Client. c) Parties: Collectively, the parties to this Agreement (the Company and You) will be referred to as Parties. 2) ASSENT & ACCEPTANCE By using the Website, You warrant that You have read and reviewed this Agreement and that You agree to be bound by it. If You do not agree to be bound by this Agreement, please leave the Website immediately. The Company only agrees to provide use of this Website and Services to You if You assent to this Agreement. 3) LICENSE TO USE WEBSITE The Company may provide You with certain information as a result of Your use of the Website or Services. 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You are responsible for maintaining the safety and security of Your identifying information as well as keeping Us apprised of any changes to Your identifying information. Providing false or inaccurate information, or using the Website or Services to further fraud or unlawful activity is grounds for immediate termination of this Agreement. 6) ACCEPTABLE USE You agree not to use the Website or Services for any unlawful purpose or any purpose prohibited under this clause. You agree not to use the Website or Services in any way that could damage the Website, Services, or general business of the Company. a) You further agree not to use the Website or Services: I) To harass, abuse, or threaten others or otherwise violate any person's legal rights; II) To violate any intellectual property rights of the Company or any third party; III) To upload or otherwise disseminate any computer viruses or other software that may damage the property of another; IV) To perpetrate any fraud; V) To engage in or create any unlawful gambling, sweepstakes, or pyramid scheme; VI) To publish or distribute any obscene or defamatory material; VII) To publish or distribute any material that incites violence, hate, or discrimination towards any group; VIII) To unlawfully gather information about others. 7) REVERSE ENGINEERING & SECURITY You agree not to undertake any of the following actions: a) Reverse engineer, or attempt to reverse engineer or disassemble any code or software from or on the Website or Services; b) Violate the security of the Website or Services through any unauthorized access, circumvention of encryption or other security tools, data mining or interference to any host, user, or network. 8) DATA LOSS The Company does not accept responsibility for the security of Your account or content. You agree that Your use of the Website or Services is at Your own risk. 9) INDEMNIFICATION You agree to defend and indemnify the Company and any of its affiliates (if applicable) and hold Us harmless against any and all legal claims and demands, including reasonable attorney's fees, which may arise from or relate to Your use or misuse of the Website or Services, Your breach of this Agreement, or Your conduct or actions. You agree that the Company shall be able to select its own legal counsel and may participate in its own defense if the Company wishes. 10) SPAM POLICY You are strictly prohibited from using the Website or any of the Company's Services for illegal spam activities, including gathering email addresses and personal information from others or sending any mass commercial emails. 11) THIRD-PARTY LINKS & CONTENT The Company may occasionally post links to third-party websites or other services. You agree that the Company is not responsible or liable for any loss or damage caused as a result of Your use of any third party services linked to, from Our Website. 12) MODIFICATION & VARIATION The Company may, from time to time and at any time without notice to You, modify this Agreement. You agree that the Company has the right to modify this Agreement or revise anything contained herein. You further agree that all modifications to this Agreement are in full force and effect immediately upon posting on the Website and that modifications or variations will replace any prior version of this Agreement unless prior versions are specifically referred to or incorporated into the latest modification or variation of this Agreement. a) To the extent any part or sub-part of this Agreement is held ineffective or invalid by any court of law, You agree that the prior, effective version of this Agreement shall be considered enforceable and valid to the fullest extent. b) You agree to routinely monitor this Agreement and refer to the Effective Date posted at the top of this Agreement to note modifications or variations. You further agree to clear Your cache when doing so to avoid accessing a prior version of this Agreement. You agree that Your continued use of the Website after any modifications to this Agreement is a manifestation of Your continued assent to this Agreement. c) In the event that You fail to monitor any modifications to or variations of this Agreement, You agree that such failure shall be considered an affirmative waiver of Your right to review the modified Agreement. 13) ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to any and all use of this Website. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, written or oral, regarding the use of this Website. 14) SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS The Company may need to interrupt Your access to the Website to perform maintenance or emergency services on a scheduled or unscheduled basis. You agree that Your access to the Website may be affected by unanticipated or unscheduled downtime, for any reason, but that the Company shall have no liability for any damage or loss caused as a result of such downtime. 15) TERM, TERMINATION & SUSPENSION The Company may terminate this Agreement with You at any time for any reason, with or without cause. The Company specifically reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if You violate any of the terms outlined herein, including, but not limited to, violating the intellectual property rights of the Company or a third party, failing to comply with applicable laws or other legal obligations, and/or publishing or distributing illegal material. If You have registered for an account with Us, You may also terminate this Agreement at any time by contacting Us and requesting termination. At the termination of this Agreement, any provisions that would be expected to survive termination by their nature shall remain in full force and effect. 16) NO WARRANTIES You agree that Your use of the Website and Services is at Your sole and exclusive risk and that any Services provided by Us are on an "As Is" basis. The Company hereby expressly disclaims any and all express or implied warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose and the implied warranty of merchantability. The Company makes no warranties that the Website or Services will meet Your needs or that the Website or Services will be uninterrupted, error-free, or secure. The Company also makes no warranties as to the reliability or accuracy of any information on the Website or obtained through the Services. You agree that any damage that may occur to You, through Your computer system, or as a result of the loss of Your data from Your use of the Website or Services is Your sole responsibility and that the Company is not liable for any such damage or loss. 17) LIMITATION ON LIABILITY The Company is not liable for any damages that may occur to You as a result of Your use of the Website or Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law. The maximum liability of the Company arising from or relating to this Agreement is limited to the greater of one hundred ($100) US Dollars or the amount You paid to the Company in the last six (6) months. This section applies to any and all claims by You, including, but not limited to, lost profits or revenues, consequential or punitive damages, negligence, strict liability, fraud, or torts of any kind. 18) GENERAL PROVISIONS: a) LANGUAGE: All communications made or notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in the English language. b) JURISDICTION, VENUE & CHOICE OF LAW: Through Your use of the Website or Services, You agree that the laws of the State of Oregon shall govern any matter or dispute relating to or arising out of this Agreement, as well as any dispute of any kind that may arise between You and the Company, with the exception of its conflict of law provisions. In case any litigation specifically permitted under this Agreement is initiated, the Parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts of the following county: Jackson, Oregon. The Parties agree that this choice of law, venue, and jurisdiction provision is not permissive, but rather mandatory in nature. You hereby waive the right to any objection of venue, including assertion of the doctrine of forum non-conveniens or similar doctrine. c) ARBITRATION: In case of a dispute between the Parties relating to or arising out of this Agreement, the Parties shall first attempt to resolve the dispute personally and in good faith. If these personal resolution attempts fail, the Parties shall then submit the dispute to binding arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in the following county: Jackson. The arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator, and such arbitrator shall have no authority to add Parties, vary the provisions of this Agreement, award punitive damages, or certify a class. The arbitrator shall be bound by applicable and governing Federal law as well as the law of the following state: Oregon. Each Party shall pay their own costs and fees. Claims necessitating arbitration under this section include, but are not limited to: contract claims, tort claims, claims based on Federal and state law, and claims based on local laws, ordinances, statutes, or regulations. Intellectual property claims by the Company will not be subject to arbitration and may, as an exception to this sub-part, be litigated. The Parties, in agreement with this sub-part of this Agreement, waive any rights they may have to a jury trial in regard to arbitral claims. d) ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, may not be assigned, sold, leased or otherwise transferred in whole or part by You. Should this Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, by assigned, sold, leased, or otherwise transferred by the Company, the rights and liabilities of the Company will bind and inure to any assignees, administrators, successors, and executors. e) SEVERABILITY: If any part or sub-part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by a court of law or competent arbitrator, the remaining parts and sub-parts will be enforced to the maximum extent possible. In such a condition, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force. f) NO WAIVER: In the event that We fail to enforce any provision of this Agreement, this shall not constitute a waiver of any future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision. Waiver of any part or sub-part of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other part or sub-part. g) HEADINGS FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY: Headings of parts and sub-parts under this Agreement are for convenience and organization, only. Headings shall not affect the meaning of any provisions of this Agreement. h) NO AGENCY, PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE: No agency, partnership, or joint venture has been created between the Parties as a result of this Agreement. No Party has any authority to bind the other to third parties. i) FORCE MAJEURE: The Company is not liable for any failure to perform due to causes beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil authorities, acts of military authorities, riots, embargoes, acts of nature and natural disasters, and other acts which may be due to unforeseen circumstances. j) ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PERMITTED: Electronic communications are permitted to both Parties under this Agreement, including e-mail or fax. For any questions or concerns, please email us at the following email address:
- Guidelines for In-person Classes |
Class Guides In-person Classes Zoom Classes Solo Class Guideline Forum In-Person Class Guidelines Take bathroom breaks as needed. Raise your hand if you'd like to share and please wait to be called before speaking as a courtesy to others. When sharing your thoughts, use the first person pronoun “I” and not 2nd person “you” or ”we” … accept when applicable. Confidentiality and Privacy All class participants will maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with what is discussed in class among all participants. "What is discussed in class stays in class." View Journey Roadmap Your participation adds to the success of this class. If asked if you have any thoughts, you can "Pass". I request that you limit your shared thoughts (up to 1 minute or so) to allow others time to share their thoughts. Respect each other 's thoughts with understanding. There are no "right" or "wrong" thoughts or conversations. Maintain a "safe space" environment There is no cross-talk between participants. Other suggestions
- Misc. JourneyBetween Extras |
Page Menu Words that Matter Concepts to Ponder An Often Asked Question Soul Thoughts Questions to Ask Yourself SilentKnowing Understanding Empathy (2:53) Understanding Blame (3:26) Extras Forum JourneyBetween Extras Purpose: Insights to Complement Your Journey Powerful Action Words that Matter to Practice LovingKindness Forgiveness Trust Awareness Humble Compassion Gratitude Acceptance Surrender Other Practicing such powerful words each day is a transformational life force that enhances the meaning and purpose to your heart and soul. What words do you practice? Some Concepts to Ponder What does continued stress and feeling anxious etc. do to the body? Some say it decays it … as well as decaying the connection between your Heart and Soul. And what does continued feeling of Gratitude and Appreciation do to the Heart and Soul? And what about Acceptance and Surrender too? Some believe such practices nourish your Heart and Soul connection with Peace, Joy and Love. An Often Asked Question QUESTION: What are your definitions of Heart and Soul? The purpose of classes 1, 2, 3 is to shine a light on your own Heart and Soul ... a light coming from within you … so that you may awaken your inner awareness and discover possibilities. Class IV will explore the metaphysical realities of the Heart and Soul along the "Journey” and how they all work together … realities I experienced along my own life Journey. Class V is about understanding the attributes needed to become a proficient Journey traveler ... authentic self-awareness of yourself. QUICK ANSWER: Your "HeartCenter" comes with the human body. Your "GodSoul" comes from YourGod. Thoughts About the Soul SOCRATES: For the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, the soul lives in the ideal realm, as it is eternal and survives the death of the body. 95 YO FRIEND: My soul is my moral compass to living my life in peace. EINSTEIN: We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music. WAYNE DYER: As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul. BRENE BROWN: Creativity is the way I share my soul with the world. DICTIONARY: The principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, is regarded as a distinct entity separate from the body, and commonly held to be separable in existence from the body; the spiritual part of humans is distinct from the physical part. Questions to Ask Yourself 1. When you 1st saw the title of this class, “JourneyBetween” , what thoughts first came to your mind? 2. What might this “Journey” be about to you? 3. What would you like as possible "takeaways" for yourself when these classes end? SilentKnowing As I enter into the evening of my life’s journey … I choose the focus, purpose, and meaning of this journey to be the strengthening of my own “Heart-Soul” connection as the remaining pages turn one by one. And I will strengthen this connection by serving and nourishing all those around me with LovingKindness. And while serving others, I approach my own SilentKnowing and understanding of pure consciousness … and the oneness with all eternity. Definition of Empathy: the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of another people's ability to share and understand each other's experiences Understanding Empathy Clip notes - Empathy Sympathy Vs. Empathy perspective taking staying out of judgment recognizing emotion in other people What are your thoughts on Empathy? Understanding Blame Definition of Blame: to hold someone else responsible to say or think that someone did something wrong or is responsible for something bad happening Clip notes - Blame What are your thoughts on Blame? (class input thoughts)
- OLLI Class 5 - Understanding Self-Awareness |
Self- Awareness Menu Class 5 - Self-Awareness My Self-Awareness Journey Take an Awareness Journey Self-Awareness Paradigms Introduction Importance Understanding Frequencies Exploring Phases Peace of Mind Self-Awareness Forum Self-Awareness Study Guide Journey-5 Understanding Self-Awareness with Journey Guide, Ronnie K Purpose: clear the Journey Trail ... by you simply being who you choose to be. My Intention To share a compelling life paradigm of self-awareness, with those who have a strong desire to evolve to their own optimal state of being ... so they flourish in life in the vibrational frequency of Peace, Joy, and Love with All ... and most importantly, thrive in harmony with the world around them as "the-who" they truly are and choose to be. My Own Self-Awareness Journey Below are the patterns of self-awareness I have discovered for myself during the "evening" of my life. Finding the unique "who" I truly was underneath it all ... those human traits (and perhaps at times those seemingly not-so-human traits too) that defined me as me. This was a life desire I had ever since I could remember. It seemed I was always asking myself "Who am I?" ... and over the course of my life, this answer was forever changing ... and yet, staying the same. And importantly, these awareness patterns included learning the meaning of and understanding such words as being grateful, accepting, surrendering, believing, trusting, and many others ... and applying them to my discovery quest. Perhaps you'll find additional words and actions that you will apply during your life journey as you look inside the human being you refer to as "self" as you discover and awaken to a Self-Awareness of your true authentic being. Remember, "You don't know, what you don't know". 1. Introduction to Self-Awareness "Welcome and join me as we journey to a place where there is no right or wrong ... to a place of SilentKnowing". Ronnie Kaufman b: 1947 Our planet has dramatically changed since it crossed over into the 21st century ... and mankind has drifted further and further apart from each other and from peace on earth. And individually people have distanced themselves from "the-who" they organically are at their divine core Self ... becoming instead "the-who" they have been unknowin gly molded and reprogrammed to be by society ... the acceptable global culture we live in ... with twisted dimensions of physical, emotional, and spiritual awareness. Carl Jung 2. Discovering the Importance of Self-Awareness "I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul." Rumi 1206-1273 What Your Self- Awareness Means for You Your own Self-Awareness invariably determines how you interpret the world you live in and how you interact in relationships as to what is good and bad from your perspective ... and what's right from wrong for you ... or not? Starting from a very early age, much of your Dimensions of Self-Awareness were defined for you by the key thought-influencers in your life ... their "truths" about life and the world as they knew it ... that often became your "truths". As you probably know, your initial key thought-influencers are parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders, clergy, religious teachings ... and of course, the physical, emotional, and spiritual environments you lived. Where Life's Magic Happens But are your own Dimensions of Self-Awareness today truly serving you well? Or are they unknowingly locking you into the current status quo of your life ... because you either don't understand how to discover or don't want to believe that other Dimensions of Self-Awareness are even possible and available to you. Now consider this challenging reality if you already haven't. Where life's magic truly happens is ... outside your own personal comfort zone. 3. Understanding the Dimensions of Self-Awareness "When the soul is starved for nourishment, it lets us know with feelings of emptiness, anxiety, or yearning" Rebbe 1902-1994 What Are Dimensions of Self-Awareness? Simply put, each of us has experienced many Dimensions of Self-Awareness over the course of our evolving life journeys. Some of our dimensions are very similar to the last ... while some very different. Our current Dimension of Self-Awareness is the culmination of the knowledge, experience, and wisdom we bring with us as we transform from one dimension to the next. NOTE: One dimension is not necessarily better than another ... they just radiate different energy frequencies based on the content of the Dimension of Self-Awareness they exist in. Dimensions of Self-Awareness Evolve Many reasons for Dimensions of Awareness to change ... some change is gradual ... and for some change, "bam", it's done. Major life-cycle events act as catalysts to our Self-Awareness changes ... things like the beginning and end of a relationship or marriage ... the death of a loved one ... career or job change or loss ... moving ... an NDE or difficult health issue ... starting or ending a social or religious group and many other life events. We've all experienced our own reasons for change ... and for some of us, more often than others. 4. The Self-Awareness Frequencies "Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we will ever do." Brené Brown b: 1965 You "Knowing" You Frequency Towards Global Consciousness And when you begin living your life as the "authentic you" you were born with, your personal energy frequencies will also begin to recalibrate to include the frequencies of Global Consciousness. This is a key reason I am sharing this paradigm for those who are ready. Self-Awareness Expansion Another key benefit of understanding your patterns of self-awareness is it cultivates the expansion of your own self-awareness allowing passage to other rich dimensions of life to observe and interact with, dimensions with fresh and compelling real-world life journeys to explore and appreciate. 5. Exploring Your Own Self-Awareness "Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul." Wayne Dyer 1940-2015 Is This All There Is? "You don't know what you don't know." And as your life journey continues each day, what you do know, are the only options and strategies you have to choose from as your life progresses. And one day, you find yourself asking, "Is this all there is?" And after you find yourself asking that question ... and if you feel an awakening beginning to happen in your GodSoul ... a calling out that tells you there is more to life beyond what you already know ... and a strong desire now growing inside your HumanSpirit ... then perhaps you are ready to make a major "Shift" in your dimensions of self-awareness to pass through to yet the next dimension An Unopened Door And you are now ready to acknowledge that there is an unopened door to yet another Dimension of extraordinary door clearly with your name on it. And with enough courage, you'll open this door ... and step through to a new world of possibilities that awaits you ... possibilities unique to the-who you are at this very moment in time ... possibilities waiting just for you to explore and discover possibilities unique to the-who you are at this very moment in time ... possibilities waiting just for you to explore and discover ... possibilities that begin to reveal your very purpose ... possibilities waiting to become reality. And please consider, there is no key you will need to open this door as it has never been locked ... and once you pass through it, without thought, you'll begin to surrender the importance of your past yesterdays as they begin to fade ... and you are introduced to the understanding of "SilentKnowing" and the luminous tomorrows that it offers ... and there will never be reason to ever think about going back. 6. Phases of Self-Awareness "Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive ... the risk to be alive and express what we really are." don Miguel Ruiz b: 1952 Validating Your Own Dimensions of Self-Awareness After Dimensions of Self-Awareness discussions you can practice the below Awareness Phases. The purpose of these phases is so that you can understand yourself at various dimensions in your life, from an inside-out point of view as you organically (or not) transition from one PoSA to the next during the various life journeys you've experienced in your past ... the PoSA you are in the present ... and the PoSA you choose for yourself and gladly welcome home to live your life in the future. And it's up to you to decide when this future begins. Dimensions of Self-Awareness Exploring your current Dimensions of Self-Awareness of the-who you are right now, today ... and the vulnerabilities and barriers that come with it ... obstacles that keep you locked into where you are today. Discovering how your current Dimensions of Self-Awareness were formed by naming those key thought-influencers in your life as well as your social, economic, and cultural environments that defined so many of your starting life "Truths" ... and by also identifying the recurring life patterns you've experienced during your various life journeys, each with their own set of realities. Awakening your own Awareness of the lifelong changing coherence between the foundational dimensions of your life experiences (and relationships) ... your GodSoul, your HumanSpirit ... an awareness that reveals the harmony required to evolve into your Pure Inner Core Essence and live your life fully with Peace, Joy and with Love. Living each day with confidence as your newly revealed life potentials and desires now guide you along your life journey ... as you begin to experience first hand your own "SilentKnowing" ... and through practice, learn intuitively to "Trust the Wisdom of Your GodSoul". 7. Maintaining Peace-of-Mind in Your Self-Awareness "Life is bigger than our explanations of it. To be in touch with life, go beyond your explanations." Julio Olalla b: 1945 And Most Importantly What do you do to maintain Peace-of-Mind in your life ... with your relationships ... your career ... or anything and everything else that’s important to you? And most importantly, Peace-of-Mind in your own HeartCenter. An Ontological Approach to Peace of Mind Using an ontological approach , learn to explore your own Dimensions of Self-Awareness experienced during the various stages of your life ... so you can begin to authentically claim the-who you truly are at your core ... from the inside out. The Dimension of "SilentKnowing" And as you continue to practice this process of exploring, you begin to pass through to a new Dimension of Awareness, a surrendering that begins to reveal the freeing Dimension of "SilentKnowing". And with this "SilentKnowing" ... comes an enduring awareness of Peace-of-Mind. The Age of Awareness - Know Thyself Creating and maintaining lasting freedom begins when you realize that by exploring your own Dimensions of Self-Awareness of the-who you truly are today both inside and outside ... and importantly the-who you are not ... that's when the door begins to swing open and the magic starts to happen in your life. A Difficult Challenge - Finding You It's not easy understanding the-who you truly are today ... and not the-who you think you are ... or the-who you think others think you are ... or the-who you used to be ... or even the-who you hope to be. But instead, the-who you are at your "Divine Inner Essence", your organic self. This is the critical first step in evolving to that "Dimension of SilentKnowing" ... your awareness of your Divine Inner Essence you were born with to act as your foundation of life with Peace, Joy and Love. Experience a Personal Self-Awareness Journey Embark on a transformative journey awakening your heart-soul connection, creating a new dimension to life's meaning and purpose. Journey Guide Ronnie Kaufman Interested in learning more about the Self-Awareness Journey Practices with me as your Journey Guide. SEND Ronnie K a Message.
- 4b.Guidelines for Zoom Classes |
Class Guidelines In-person Classes Zoom Classes Solo Class Guideline Forum Zoom Class Guidelines Raise your Zoom hand if you'd like to share and please wait to be called before speaking as a courtesy to others. When sharing your thoughts, use the first person pronoun “I” and not 2nd person “you” or ”we” … accept when applicable. If you need to step-away from the meeting, please STOP your video before by clicking on the video icon at the bottom left of your Zoom screen . Click again to turn video on. Confidentiality and Privacy All class participants will maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with what is discussed in class among all participants. "What is discussed in class stays in class." View Journey Roadmap Meeting Courtesies to Consider Be on time. Come prepared to listen and importantly participate. Your participation adds to the success of this class. Speak loud enough for others to hear If called upon, say “ Pass" if that ’ s what you want to do. Maintain a "safe space" environment Respect each other's thoughts with understanding. There are no "right" or "wrong" thoughts or conversations. Be respectful of others’ “airtime.” The "chat" feature is set to be delivered to everyone. Other suggestions. Convenient Zoom Keyboard Shortcuts As you become more experienced with Zoom, learning a few keyboard shortcuts will make your meetings more manageable. Temporarily turn mic on: Hold Spacebar down to turn-on mic Release Spacebar to turn mic off. Take a screenshot: Cmd (⌘)+T (macOS) Alt+Shift+T (Windows) Enter or exit full screen: Cmd (⌘)+Shift+F (macOS) Alt+F: (Windows)
- OLLI Class 1 - Power of Vulnerability |
PoV Menu Class 1 - PoV About The Power of Vulnerability Who is Brené Brown Sharing Video Clip Thoughts Full PoV Video (20:50) PoV Video Clips Connection (0:54) Shame (2:10) Worthiness (1:16) Wholehearted (2:05) Embracing Vulnerability (2:04) Numbing Vulnerability (2:38) Why We Numb It (0:59) Perfection (1:38) Are We Enough (1:19) PoV Forum PoV Study Guide Journey-1 (PoV) The Power of Vulnerability with Brené Brown Purpose: balance your consciousness with the emotional side of life. About the "Power of Vulnerability" TED Talk In this class, we will be watching 9 video clips from the TED Talk, "Power of Vulnerability" by Dr. Brené Brown. These clips share what she found from her years of research on "human connection" ... our ability to empathize, belong, and love. In this poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her well-documented research that sent her on a personal quest to not only understand herself ... but to understand the reality of how human connection itself works. Who is Brené Brown ? Born 1965 She is a professor at the Univ of Houston … and has her Master's Degree in Social Work and her Doctorate in Philosophy. She considers herself a researcher and storyteller who's spent her career studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. Authored multiple books including five New York Times best-sellers. Her TED talk is one of the top five most-viewed TED Talks in the world. Vulnerability Definitions Vulnerability means there is a willingness to share one’ s emotional pain. Vulnerability can also refer to a person's openness and willingness to risk being hurt emotionally, as in being willing to love and be loved and to accept the emotional risks that go with it. Clip #1 Connection (0:54) Definition: connected with others in kinship, professional, spiritual or emotional ways Take-aways from Clip #1 - Connection Ronnie's thoughts: Connection is why we are here. Connection gives purpose and meaning to life. It is how we are wired. What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #2 Shame (2:10) Definition : the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another Take-aways from Clip #2 - Shame Ronnie's takeaways: When people were asked about Love . .. they talked about heartache. When people were asked about belonging … they spoke of the pain of being excluded. When people were asked about Connection … they spoke of disconnection. Why did they feel this way? … they felt shame and fear. What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #3 Worthiness (1:16) Definition: the fact or quality of having great or adequate merit, character, or value Group Wisdom Circle on Clip #3 - Worthiness Ronnie's takeaways: People who have a strong sense of love and belonging feel they are worthy of love and belonging. What keeps people out of connection is fear they are not worthy of love and belonging. What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #4 Wholehearted (2:05) Definition: completely and sincerely devoted, determined, or enthusiastic soul marked by complete earnest commitment Group Wisdom Circle on Clip #4 - Wholehearted Ronnie's takeaways: Courage to be imperfect. Compassion to be kind to themselves first. Connect to others as a result of authenticity. They are willing to let go of who they thought they should be. What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #5 Embracing Vulnerability (2:04) Considerations: Embracing emotional vulnerability and taking emotional risks can lead to personal growth. Letting your guard down and being fully yourself builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, enhances relationships, and improves quality of life. Being emotionally vulnerable is a skill you can practice. Group Wisdom Circle on Clip #5 - Embracing Vulnerability Ronnie's takeaways: Those who embraced vulnerability felt what made them vulnerable, made them beautiful. Willingness to say “I love you” first. What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #6 Numbing Vulnerability (2:38) Group Wisdom Circle on Clip #6 - Numbing Vulnerability Ronnie's takeaways: We struggle with vulnerability and how do we handle it. We numb vulnerability and our emotions. We try to make uncertainty certain. We blame others and external events. We can’t selectively numb emotions What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #7 Why We Numb Vulnerability (0:59) Group Wisdom Circle on Clip #7 - Why We Numb Vulnerability Ronnie's takeaways: A need to make everything certain. Blame is a way to discharge pain and discomfort. What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #8 Perfection (1:38) Definition: the quality or state of being perfect such as freedom from fault or defect; also the quality or state of being saintly Group Wisdom Circle on Clip #8 - Perfection Ronnie's takeaways: We want to perfect our children ... Let our children know that they are worthy of love and belonging. We pretend that what we do, does not have an impact on others. Be able to say “Sorry” What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #9 We Are Enough (1:19) Definition: sufficient to meet a need or satisfy a desire Group Wisdom Circle on Clip #9 - We Are Enough Ronnie's takeaways: Let yourself be deeply seen. Love with our whole heart with no guarantee. Practice gratitude and joy. To feel vulnerable means you are alive. “I am enough!” What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Full TED Talk Power of Vulnerability Video (20:50)
- OLLI Class 4 - Metaphysical Heart-Soul Connection |
Class 4 - Metaphysics Page Menu Metaphysical Forum Metaphysical Study Guide Journey Menu Main Menu Message Ronnie K Class: 1 2 3 4 5 Journey-4 Metaphysical Possibilities: Defining the Heart-Soul Connection Purpose: identify the facets of the psyche and how they work together. NOTE: This is normally an in-person-only class. The classroom whiteboard is required to demonstrate and enhance several key class discussions. Click on the Study Guide button at the bottom of the Page Menu to download the class #4 agenda and study guide. Layers of Human Frequency Physical Dimension Intellectual, Memory, Body 2. Emotional Dimension Loving Kindness, Purpose/Meaning, 3. Spiritual Dimension JourneyBetween Your Heart and Soul Connecting Your Heart and Soul Finding the Natural Sweet Spot Recognize the sweet spot/vibrational frequency to connect the Heart with the Soul Praying Meditating Drinking Drugs Sex
- Journey Code of Ethics |
Professional Code of Ethics Professional Conduct in General I will not knowingly make any public statement that is untrue or misleading about what I offer or make false claims in any written documents. I will accurately identify my qualifications, expertise, and experience. I will recognize and honor the efforts and contributions of others and not misrepresent them as my own. I understand that violating this standard may leave me subject to legal remedy by a third party. I will, at all times, strive to recognize personal issues that may impair, conflict or interfere with my relationship with you. I will conduct myself by this Code of Ethics in all JourneyBetween conversations/discussions that I perform Confidentiality and Privacy I will maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with you. Please use the Journey Message Center to correspond with me if you have questions or comments regarding the Code of Ethics described here. Thank you. Ronnie K Journey Guide
- Labyrith of Life Chronicles |
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Privacy Policy - Legal Stuff Ronnie Kaufman operates the website, which provides the information and content. This page is used to inform website visitors regarding our policies with the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information if anyone decides to use our Website Service. If you choose to use our Service, then you agree to the collection and use of information in relation to this policy. The Personal Information that we collect is used for providing and improving the Service. We will not use or share your information with anyone. Information Collection and Use For a better experience, while using our Service, we may require you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information, including but not limited to your name, phone number, and postal address. The information that we collect will be used to contact or identify you. Cookies Cookies are files with small amount of data that is commonly used as an anonymous unique identifier. These are sent to your browser from the website that you visit and are stored on your computer’s hard drive. Our website uses these "cookies" to collection information and to improve our Service. You have the option to either accept or refuse these cookies and know when a cookie is being sent to your computer. If you choose to refuse our cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Service. Security We value your trust in providing us your Personal Information, thus we are striving to use commercially acceptable means of protecting it. But remember that no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure and reliable, and we cannot guarantee its absolute security. Links to Other Sites Our Service may contain links to other sites. If you click on a third-party link, you will be directed to that site. Note that these external sites are not operated by us. Therefore, we strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of these websites. We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies, or practices of any third-party sites or services. Changes to This Privacy Policy We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Thus, we advise you to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page. These changes are effective immediately after they are posted on this page. Contact Us If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact me .
- OLLI Class 4 - Metaphysical Heart-Soul Connection |
Class 4 - Metaphysics Page Menu Metaphysical Forum Metaphysical Study Guide Journey Menu Main Menu Message Ronnie K Class: 1 2 3 4 5 Journey-4 Metaphysical Possibilities: Defining the Heart-Soul Connection Purpose: Identifying the facets of the psyche and how they work together.
- 2.JourneyBetween Forums |
To test this feature, visit your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Journey Forums Be ready to open your heart and experience listening to and trusting the wisdom of your soul. Share Your Thoughts Journey Thoughts and Questions Follow Views Posts 1 Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations. Class 2: Shift Video Follow Views Posts 10 Purpose: To understand and engage with your spiritual being. Class 4: Metaphysical Possibil Follow Views Posts 0 Purpose: Identifying the facets of the psyche and how they work together. Journey Extras Follow Views Posts 1 Purpose: Misc. Insights to Compliment Your Journey Moments of AwarenessCollection Follow Views Posts 1 Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations. Class1: Power of Vulnerability Follow Views Posts 11 Purpose: To balance your consciousness with the emotional side of life. Class 3: Four Agreements Follow Views Posts 0 Purpose: To gain awareness of the key guidelines to living life with integrity. Class 5: Understanding Self Follow Views Posts 0 Purpose: To create a meaningful life with Peace and Joy and Love. Who is Ronnie K? Follow Views Posts 1 Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations. Untitled Category Follow Views Posts 0 Welcome! Have a look around and join the conversations. New Posts bethbenton41 Aug 14, 2024 As I unclutter my life Journey Extras Dr. Wayne Dyer says this quite clearly and it resonates with me so very much "As I unclutter my life, I free myself to answer the callings of my soul." Uncluttering my life - Several years ago, I took a class about decluttering your space to allow new energy flow around you and through you out to the world and it was reiterated to start small, with actions to take each day. Well small was going through my home first, room by room, drawer by drawer and donating or getting rid of items that I did not need and were just that, clutter. At first it was hard to discard things I had had for so many years but did not use. Then, each day as I did this over a period of a few weeks, it started to feel like freedom. It started a practice. This then led to setting boundaries and saying no without feeling guilty. This is a practice of uncluttering my life, is the beginning of freeing myself to answer the callings of my soul. More and more, I begin to understand who my authentic self is. I am more and more aware of what clutters my life in all aspects and make changes at my own pace but unknowingly things just change on their own and I slowly learn the callings of my soul. What are your thoughts about uncluttering your life? If you have thought about this, or begun to do it, do you have practices? Like 0 comments 0 RonnieK Jul 09, 2024 Thoughts About Moments of Awareness Collection Moments of AwarenessCollection Like 0 comments 0 Forum - Frameless
- Personal Wisdom Circle |
A Personal Wisdom Circle A place where there is no right or wrong ... ... only SilentKnowings You may desire to explore the dimensions of your own life Journey ... ready to examine life truths through news eyes. In Wisdom Circle, a "Sacred Space " is created where we can journey and explore together. Whether you are an old friend or a welcomed guest ... I look forward to spending time together and sharing SilentKnowings . Ronnie K Ask a Question or S chedule a time for being in Wisdom Circle with me by ... leaving me a voice message in my private voice mailbox: 541.708.3920 or sending me a note from the Journey Message Center
- OLLI Class 3 - The Four Agreements |
Agreements Menu Class 3 - The 4 Ageements About the Four Agreements Who is don Miguel Ruiz Sharing Video Clip Thoughts Four Agreements Video Clips Be Impeccable with Your Word Don't Take Things Personally Don't Make Assumptions Always Do Your Best Agreements Forum Agreements Study Guide Journey- 3 The Four Agreements with don Miguel Ruiz Purpose: gain awareness of the key guidelines to living life with integrity. About "The Four Agreements" Video Clips In this class, we will be watching 4 video clips from Oprah Winfrey's interviewing don Miguel Ruiz and 4 video clips from the studio audience responses regarding their thoughts on each Agreement. Facts about " The Four Agreements" First published in 1997, the book gained popularity after being endorsed by Oprah Winfrey. The book was on The New York Times bestseller list for over a decade. According to Ruiz, the book is inspired by a set of the Toltec people's spiritual beliefs. The intent of the book is to help readers explore "freedom," "happiness," and "love." The central point is that a person's life is determined by the agreements they have made with themselves, others, God, and society as a whole. Through these agreements, one determines how they see themselves, what is possible for them, how they should behave, and their worth as a person. Ruiz says that by making a pact with the agreements described in the book, the individual is able to create a happier and more successful life. What are The Four Agreements? 1. Be impeccable With Your Word 2. Don't Take Things Personally 3. Don't Make Assumptions 4. Always Do Your Best Who is don Miguel Ruiz ? Born in 1952 in rural Mexico, the youngest of 13 children. His parents were healers and practitioners of ancient Toltec traditions. Graduated from medical school in Mexico City and practiced neurosurgery. A near-fatal car crash caused him to examine the essential truth about life. Through his mother’s ancestral teachings, he discovered his own path to awareness. This evolved into a deep understanding of the physical universe and the virtual world of the mind. Combining Toltec mythology and scientific perspectives, he has merged ancient wisdom with modern physics and practical common sense, forging a new philosophy for seekers of truth and personal authenticity creating The Four Agreements. Agreement #1 - Be Impeccable with Your Word don Miguel Ruiz and Oprah discuss Agreement #1 (2:08 ) Audience thoughts on Agreement #1 (1:02 ) Thoughts on Agreement #1 - Be Impeccable with Your Word Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Use the power of your word for truth and love. What are your insights and comments on Agreement #1? Agreement #2 - Don't Take Things Personally don Miguel Ruiz and Oprah discuss Agreement #2 (1:58) Audience thoughts on Agreement #2 (1:13 ) Thoughts on Agreement #2 - Don't Take Things Personally Nothing others say is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality. When you are immune to the opinions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. What are your insights and comments on Agreement #2? Agreement #3 - Don't Make Assumptions don Miguel Ruiz and Oprah discuss Agreement #3 (2:27) Audience thoughts on Agreement #3 (1:05) Thoughts on Agreement #3 - Don't Make Assumptions Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. When you are immune to the opinions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. What are your insights and comments on Agreement #3? Agreement #4 - Always Do Your Best don Miguel Ruiz and Oprah discuss Agreement #4 (0:53) Audience thoughts on Agreement #4 (1:29 ) Thoughts on Agreement #4 - Always Do Your Best Your best is going to change from moment to moment. Under any circumstance, simply do your best and you will avoid regret. What are your insights and comments on Agreement #4? Review of The Four Agreements Be impeccable with Your Word Don't Take Things Personally Don't Make Assumptions Always Do Your Best What are your thoughts and insights about don Miguel Ruiz's The Four Agreements?
- 4.Magic of Soul Whispering |
Page Menu Purpose of Soul Whispering What a Whisperer Offers Touch Stones of Soul Whispering Journey Extras Home The Magic of Soul Whispering ToP Purpose Purpose of Soul Whispering To immerse your unified Human Spirit into a new life dimension that connects your HeartCenter and GodSoul in harmony and compassion ... while transitioning into a powerful life paradigm of learning to believe and trust in yourself. Offers What a Soul Whisperer Offers A Soul Whisperer acts as a mentor and teacher to your own HeartCenter and GodSoul ... a teacher who will guide you where you might look, but will never tell you what to see. A Soul Whisperer can act as a mirror to reflect back your true authentic-self at your very core being ... underneath all the emotional "stuff" and the right and wrong, good or bad stuff ... stuff that has been wrapped around you since you were a little kid. The authentic-self underneath it all waiting to be set free. A Soul Whisperer will guide you in explorations of your own unique Dimension of Self-Awareness with tools that reveal the essence of the-who you are at your core Human Spirit ... and importantly the-who you may no longer want to be. And as a caring and supportive teacher, a Soul Whisperer will share with you previously hidden doors to open and to explore while in search of unknown understandings and wisdom missing from your own Dimension of Life. "You don't know what you don't know." And like a caring and supportive teacher, a Soul Whisperer will not tell you what to see as you choose to open these doors and step through ... because the breakthrough to magical life revelations along with the inner wisdom you awaken ... are yours and yours alone to own as you acknowledge them. Touch Stones Touch Stones of Soul Whispering Soul Whispering begins with a journey of exploring your own unique Dimension of Self-Awareness , both known and unknown. Exploring your own self-awareness can be accomplished together with a Soul Whisperer using self-awareness tools that include " Four Life Awakenings ". Tools that when practiced, reveal personal life "aha moments" that up to now have been concealed from the-who you are today. And these "aha-moments" when processed, transform into new and welcomed personal life truths to embrace every day. Truths that naturally nourish and strengthen your very own and unique HeartCenter and GodSoul . And as these truths are embraced, you will come upon an amazing doorway to yet another dimension of life. And you will embrace what you perceive is on the other side of this doorway ... and step through with intention. With the intention of belonging to and living life in this very special Life Dimension. A Life Dimension that provides refocused lenses and compassionate eyes to understand the importance of gratitude in daily life. Caring eyes that see an amazing life that surrounds you with joy. A life with a loving and peaceful freshness about it sourced from a SilentKnowing . And most importantly, this transformation is all based on your own unique and loving desires. Desires that originated and radiated out from the very core of your own HeartCenter . Message me to learn more
- TALK Glossary of Terms | Age of LovingKindness
Home ToP Glossary of Terms The Age of LovingKindness (TALK) Glossary of terms used in the Age of LovingKindness paradigm. These terms are found throughout the website including Dimensions of Awareness , Moments of Awareness Collection and Labyrinth of Life Chronicles. EgoCenter, AnimalSoul Puts Self first above all else ... always taking care of one's physical needs and personal desires including greed, lust, power with little interest in taking care of the needs of others ... in Jewish mysticism, known as the Yetzer Hara God, YourGod, MyGod, OurGod It is the name that you call "your god". Some common names are God, Hashem, Christ, Buddha, Shiva, The Force, Source, GodSource, Source Energy, Universal Energy, The ALL, and others. GodSoul Most refer to their GodSoul simply as Soul .... others as their Guardian Angel ... to some as their Spirit Animal ... and other possibilities. Your GodSoul functions as your personal advisor to help you make day to day choices as well as advising on your strategic life plan. This advise it offers you is based on both the wisdom from its past lives and the wisdom gained in this life. It also functions as the communication portal between your HumanSpirit and YourGod. HeartCenter A place where your emotional experiences are registered and accessed. Caring about the wellness of others ... sacrificing for the sake of others ... in Jewish mysticism, known as the Yetzer Tov. LovingKindness When you offer "others", both friend and foe, compassion and understanding and empathy for who and what they are and what they are experiencing in their life ... just because that's who you are. Purpose, Meaning What ever it is you do that creates a "compassionate" energy ... that others feel grateful for receiving ... with shared SilentKnowing. That's your purpose. SilentKnowing A knowing in your HeartCenter and GodSoul, with no doubt, the reality just how "something" truly "Is". When the Knower ... and the Knowing ... and the Known ... become One with each other in the wisdom of the HeartCenter. Wisdom Circle The Wisdom Circle is a place where you can journey to have open discussions with Ronnie K ... with no right or wrong ... a place of unique "SilentKnowings". Silent-Knowing GodSoul EgoCenter HeartCenter LovingKindness God Purpose WisdomCircle
- 4c.Guidelines for Solo Classes |
Class Guidelines In-person Classes Zoom Classes Solo Classes Guideline Forum Self-Paced Solo Class Guidelines Consider using the guidelines below when not attending an in-person or Zoom class. The 3 Sections Are: - About the video content - Who is the main contributor to the video - What to expect while watching the clips Watch each video clip with an open mind At the end of each clip, read the clip notes Then ask yourself, "What insights or questions did this video clip spark in me?" You may also want to consider writing your thoughts in a journal or sharing them by posting these thoughts in the appropriate JOURNEY FORUM ... or both. Read the first 3 brief sections of each class prior to watching the video clips. This will prepare you for the personal journey you are about to embark on. View Journey Roadmap
- 5.Support |
Home Journey Guide Ronnie K Support Dear Friend, It's patrons like you, that make possible. Please consider offering a tax-deductible gift in any amount, large or small. You will be supporting's continued commitment to serving those who desire to experience the inner dimensions of their heart and soul. Thank you, Ronnie K is a 501(c)(3) Oregon Non-Profit Organization, Federal Tax I.D. 99-3473143
- OLLI Class 2 - The Shift with Waynne Dyer |
Shift Menu Class 2 - The Shift Film About The Shift Video Who is Wayne Dyer Sharing Video Clips Thoughts Full Shift Video (1:58:00) Shift Video Clips Truths (1:44) Happiness (1:10) EGO: Possessions (1:25) EGO: Achievements (1:10) EGO: Reputation (1:26) EGO: Separation (2:08) Practice (1:12) God Realization (0:59) Awareness (0:53) A Thought Away (2:39) Shift Forum Shift Study Guide Journey-2 (The Shift ) Morning and Evening of Life with Wayne Dyer Purpose: engage with your spiritual essence. About "The Shift" Movie In this class, we will be watching 10 video clips from "The Shift" movie with Dr. Wayne Dyer. These clips explore the spiritual journey from personal ambitions to finding meaning and purpose in life. The film presents the idea that in the second half of life, there’s a shift from being driven by ego ... emphasizing achievement and accumulation ... to living a life of purpose and meaning. It follows the stories of three modern lives in crisis and their encounters with Wayne Dyer at a retreat center, where he shares the principles of the Tao and how to surrender to their true nature . The film invites viewers to reflect on their own lives, to question their priorities, and explore the possibilities of a profound shift from ego-centered pursuits to a life of purpose and fulfillment. Who is Wayne Dyer ? May 10, 1940 – August 29, 2015 American self-help author and a motivational speaker His first book in 1976, Your Erroneous Zones had an estimated 100 million copies sold He published 20 more best-selling books Produced a number of popular TV for PBS. Clip #1 Truths (1:44) Definition: the quality or state of being true that which in accordance with fact or reality Thoughts on Clip #1 - Truths showing gratitude - thank you I can not live the afternoon of life according to the truths of life's morning other What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #2 Happiness (1:09 ) Definition: a state of well-being and contentment, joy; a pleasurable or satisfying experience Thoughts on Clip #2 - Happiness finding purpose and meaning real purpose is to be happy and enjoy life get to a place where you are not always trying to get someplace else find your nature others ... What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? EGO Definition: "ego" is the Latin word for “I”; a person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance Clip #3 EGO: Possessions (1:25) Definition: the state of having, owning, or controlling something Thoughts on Clip #3 - EGO: Possessions E dge G od O ut who we are is what we have the more that I have, the more valuable I am as a person a culture of emphasizing "more" Others ... What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #4 EGO: Achievement (1:10) Definition: to reach or bring about a desired end or goal; gives you a feeling of satisfaction Thoughts on Clip #4 - EGO: Achievements who I am is what I do my worth as a human is based on what I accomplish taught to be number 1 What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #5 EGO: Reputation (1:26) Definition: the opinion that people have about someone or something; to know something because of what people say, rather than by having direct experience of them Thoughts on Clip #5 - EGO: Reputation I am what other people think of me dress a certain way don't ignore your calling What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #6 EGO: Separation (2:08) Definition: a situation in which two or more people or things are separated. Thoughts on Clip #6 - EGO: Separation who I am is separate from everyone else I am separate from Source you are already connected to everything you are missing in life what was true in the morning of our life, in the afternoon is a lie other What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #7 Practice (1:12) Definition: perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to improve or maintain one's proficiency Thoughts on Clip #7 - Practice you don't have to get this all at once just get a little bit at a time start practicing it soon it becomes a way of life other What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #8 God Realization (0:59) Definition: an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact; the fact or moment of starting to understand a situation Thoughts on Clip #8 - God Realization get to a place where you are no longer focused on yourself when you start wanting things more for others than yourself that is God-Realization move from a sense of entitlement to a sense of humility other What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #9 Awareness (0:53) Definition: knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience Thoughts on Clip #9 - Awareness as you move into the evening of life, your ambitions now have meaning and purpose learn to become an observer of your world you welcome a "trust" where Source is taking you allowing things to "show up" other What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Clip #10 A Thought Away (2:39) Definition: the act of thinking about or considering; something, an idea or opinion, or a set of ideas about a particular subject Thoughts on Clip #10 - A Thought Away your purpose is found in service to believe you need what you don't have is the definition of insanity does not make a difference in what you do, what matters is finding ways to serve ... it gives life meaning don't be attached to outcome surrendering to something bigger than ourselves you are only a thought away from changing your life. other What insights or questions did this video clip spark and reveal to you? Full Movie: The Shift (1:58:00)
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- Labyrith of Life Chronicles |
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- Labyrith of Life Chronicles |
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