In-Person Class Guidelines
Take bathroom breaks as needed.
Raise your hand if you'd like to share and please wait to be called before speaking as a courtesy to others.
When sharing your thoughts, use the first person pronoun “I” and not 2nd person “you” or ”we” … accept when applicable.
Confidentiality and Privacy
All class participants will maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with what is discussed in class among all participants. "What is discussed in class stays in class."

Your participation adds to the success of this class.
If asked if you have any thoughts, you can "Pass".
I request that you limit your shared thoughts (up to 1 minute or so) to allow others time to share their thoughts.
Respect each other 's thoughts with understanding.
There are no "right" or "wrong" thoughts or conversations.
Maintain a "safe space" environment
There is no cross-talk between participants.
Other suggestions